
Privacy Policy

Navixa respects the privacy of information that identifies you or is identifiable to you (Personal Information). We want you to understand how Navixa processes Personal Information, and how you can submit privacy rights requests to us concerning your Personal Information, in compliance with the various laws in the United States, Canada, European Union, and other countries that govern Navixa’s processing of Personal Information (Data Privacy Laws). Our processing of Personal Information is governed by those Data Privacy Laws as well as this Privacy Policy (Policy).


We do not intend to, and do not knowingly, process Personal Information about individuals who are minors in the jurisdictions where they reside (Children). Individuals who are Children should not provide any Personal Information to us, and individuals should not provide Personal Information to us about Children. If we discover or are informed that we have Personal Information about Children, we reserve the right to delete that Personal Information from our systems.

Personal Information

In the course of providing the Products, Navixa receives from Clients, itself collects, and processes Personal Information, which may include the following: (1) identifiers, such as first and last name; email address; billing address; and phone number; and (2) financial information, such as your credit or debit card information, provided however that Navixa does not store or has access to any such payment and credit information and uses a third-party payment processor to process all such payments.

Depending on how you interact with us, we may collect Personal Information when you: (1) visit the Site; (2) Subscribe for the Products by creating an account using the Site; (3) communicate with us directly or indirectly via email or the chat function available on the Site; and (4) otherwise interact with us.

Navixa does not intend to, and does not knowingly process Personal Information that is of a sensitive nature (Sensitive Personal Information). If we discover or are informed that we have Sensitive Personal Information, we reserve the right to delete that Sensitive Personal Information from our systems.

Legal Bases for Processing Personal Information

Navixa processes Personal Information to perform our contractual and other commercial, business, and legal relationships with and obligations to provide Products to Clients. As a result, Clients provide Personal Information to Navixa and Navixa collects and processes Personal Information in order to provide Products to Clients. In addition, Navixa seeks and obtains consent for the use and processing of Personal Information when required by Data Privacy Laws. Those are the legal bases for Navixa to process Personal Information.

Navixa may process Personal Information to: (1) provide, develop, maintain, and enhance the Products, and the Site; (2) fulfill your requests when you subscribe for the Products; (3) communicate with Clients about the Products; (4) provide support for the Products including responding to requests, questions and feedback; (5) process and complete transactions, and send related information, including purchase confirmations and invoices; (6) personalize your experience with the Site; (7) send you marketing and promotional communications that we believe may be of interest, such as information about our Products, features, offers, catalogues, promotions, and events; (8) maintain the safety, security, and integrity of our Products, and the Site; (9) comply with legal and regulatory obligations, and (10) establish, enforce, and otherwise exercise our rights and defend against claims.

Except as necessary or appropriate to provide Products to Clients, Navixa does not disclose Personal Information about you to other Client’s or unaffiliated third parties, provided that we may disclose Personal Information for the following purposes and in the following circumstances.

  • If directed to do so by the individual about whom such Personal Information pertains or that individual’s legal representative
  • If required to do so by Data Privacy Law, any other law, rule, or regulation, legal process or warrant, or order of any court or governmental agency or authority
  • To third parties necessary or appropriate to provide the Products, such as information technology and security providers, data hosting services, providers that process payments, or any other third party that is necessary or appropriate for Navixa to disclose Personal Information to in order to provide the Products;
  • To professional service providers, including attorneys, accountants, tax professionals, and financial advisers, if doing so is necessary or appropriate to obtain professional services from them
  • In connection with a sale, merger, consolidation, change in control, transfer of substantial assets, reorganization, or liquidation of Navixa
  • To entities that perform marketing, advertising or market research on our behalf

Depending on the Personal Information that Navixa has about you, and depending on the manner in which we process your Personal Information, you may have the following privacy rights related to our processing of your Personal Information.

  • Be informed about how your Personal Information is being processed, the categories of Personal Information being processed, and the categories of sources from which your Personal Information has been collected
  • Be informed about whether and how your Personal Information being processed is being sold, shared, traded, exchanged or brokered with unaffiliated third parties, and which categories of your Personal Information are being sold, shared, traded, exchanged or brokered with unaffiliated third parties
  • Access or receive a copy of your Personal Information
  • Rectify, update or correct inaccurate or incomplete Personal Information about you
  • Erasure or deletion of certain categories of your Personal Information
  • Object and opt-out of processing of your Personal Information
  • Limit processing of your Personal Information
  • Opt-out of the sale, sharing, trading, exchange, and brokering of your Personal Information with unaffiliated third parties
  • Portability of your Personal Information in a commonly used format
  • Withdrawal of your consent to processing of your Personal Information to the extent such processing is based on your consent, provided that such withdrawal will not affect the lawfulness of Navixa’s use of your Personal Information before such withdrawal
  • Non-discrimination for exercising your privacy rights


When you visit the Site, Navixa may place a cookie (a text file containing a randomly assigned number) on your device so that we have the ability to customize the look and feel of the Site for you. Cookies remember information about you, your preferences, and your device for a better user experience when visiting the Site. Using cookies, we may also collect a variety of other information regarding your usage of the Site, including your Internet protocol address, username, session identification, browser you are using, web pages you view and referring web pages, when you access the Site, and general online behavior for performance and marketing purposes. You may decline to accept cookies by modifying your web browser settings. If you choose so, however, you may be unable to use all functions of the Site, or the Site may operate less efficiently.

Changes to Privacy Policy

This privacy policy will be updated and modified as needed. You are responsible for visiting this page periodically to check for future updates to this policy. Any modifications to this privacy policy will be effective upon our publishing of the new terms, and your continued use of our website after the posting of any updates constitutes your acceptance of our modified privacy policy.

For questions or concerns regarding the privacy policy, please contact us at